A Positive Voice Working for the Community


As Chairperson of Galway City Tidy Towns 
  • I will continue to work on and promote the “Think before You Flush” campaign.

  • I propose an increase of powers for community wardens to tackle dog fouling as well as other issues such as illegal dumping, noise pollution and anti social behaviour in our playgrounds and parks.

  • I am campaigning for a Bring Centre west of the City.

  • I fully support the Galway to Barna Greenway, the Connemara Greenway and the Cycle Bus in our community. We need safer bike lanes across Knocknacarra and Salthill.

  • I am working on an environmental survey mapping Cappagh park.

  • Climate Change is the single biggest threat facing society. Our City Climate Change Strategy needs to be fully supported at local and national Government level and flood defenses installed.